Monday, December 10, 2007


I am 5 weeks out from my first fill, and I'm getting hungrier by the minute. The MD warned me that weeks five and six are always tough, and by the time I get my next fill, I would be *very* ready for it. He was right! I have had no problem hitting the calorie intake I never could before. The last five days, I have eaten between 1500-1700 (supposed to be 1600) each day.

I know that is what I am supposed to be eating for now, technically, but because I was used to eating more like 800-1200 (and often 600), I'm not losing now. My body just needs to get adjusted to this new calorie intake, and by the time it does, I will be having my next fill and back on liquids! :)

D and I were really hungry this morning, and we stopped at Burger King on our way to work. I very rarely eat fast food because it's a waste of calories, and not to mention unhealthy, but I did, and my breakfast was 838 calories! I will have to really watch what I have for lunch and dinner!

As you may have seen on the news, last week a tractor trailer exploded in Everette, destroying several cars and 3 apartment buildings. One of the families affected by this tragedy works at one of the hospitals in the system I work for. Since D and I have two homes, we decided to donate the use of the one closest to Boston to this family. I don't share this to pat ourselves on the back - I share this because I had a really interesting experience preparing the house for their arrival.

My boss allowed me to take Friday as a "free" day off to prepare my home, as I only learned Thursday night that they would be moving in on Sunday! We had not stayed in that house in several weeks. Not only did the entire house need to be thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom, D and I needed to sort through all of our things to decide what to leave, what to move to NH, what to donate and what to dispose of.

When we moved to NH, we each brought a carry-on bag of clothing, and that was IT! Everything we own was in this house, so we basically had two days to prepare to move, and also to clean the entire house, and Darcy had to work on Friday, so one of the two days was just me.

I have never been a lazy person, but when you are so completely out of shape, you just can't do that much. Backs hurt, knees ache, etc... Before I started losing weight, if I had a lot of housework to do, I would do it in shifts. I could never do as much as I wanted to. On Friday and Saturday, I was on my feet non stop: lifting things, getting on my hands and knees to clean, running up and down stairs over and over - each day was 10-12 hours of physical labor, and I accomplished a TON! I didn't even know I would physically be able to do all that I did until I actually did it!

70 lbs is a lot of weight to lose, but I still have so much more to lose...I had such ease in getting everything done...I can't imagine how it will get any better when I lose more, but I'm anxious to see! If the next 70 I lose has as dramatic of an impact on me as the first 70, I pity the people around me. I think I will be out of control.

We have such a feeling of accomplishment, and when this family moves on, the house will be ready to sell, and we'll only need to pack up dishes, etc, and decorations. That's the easy part...Let's just hope the market picks up between now and then!

Have a great day!


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