The drive to Plymouth was very pretty, seeing the snow capped mountains in the distance, and it didn't take long at all. When we arrived, Darcy checked in while I took Lexi for another walk. She met some new friends, and everybody loved her! I have come to realize that if you are walking a cute dog, you are obligated to talk to people about how cute she is. It's okay - I can handle it. :) Lexi likes to show them how tough she is, but they just don't seem to buy it...
Throughout all the events, we kept coming back to the room to visit with Lexi and take her out. It was hard leaving her, as she'd cock her head to the side and open her eyes wide as we left the room, as if to ask, "But, why would you want to leave me??!"
One time, I came back to the room to feed her dinner, and when I started to leave, she bolted out the door and down the hall. I didn't want to yell her name, because I didn't want anyone to know we had a dog on the loose! I sprinted down the hall as fast as I could, and finally I yelled out "Lexi!" in a firm voice. She turned around and sprinted towards me. She wasn't trying to escape - she just wanted to play. It was sooo cute, and sooo funny. I can't imagine if she'd got away from me though. She could have ran into the restaurant, which wouldn't be a stretch for a dog who is always trying to sniff around for food!
We didn't end up skiing or tubing yesterday because the weather was weird. It was raining off and on (more off than on), but we didn't want to get out there and then be stuck in rainy weather. We are planning to get a little skiing in this morning before heading home.
We had a great trip up north, and we will definitely be back.
Sounds like a fun weekend. I am glad you are having a good time. The ice skating rink was a hoot.
Wow, that place looks great! You find the best places...
Glad Lexi had fun too - I love that silly dog.
I do my research, and it pays. :)
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