It was Darcy's first time to walk the Marginal Way, and I was shocked. We'd been to Ogunquit before several times. I realized it must have been before I lost the weight, so I didn't bother with one of the best things to do while in Ogunquit. That's too bad, but I'm glad that's the past! The walk was beautiful. After, we had lunch overlooking the ocean.
We were planning to stay in Ogunquit, and visit the shops and have a nice dinner, but the whole town appeared to be closed down, so we headed to Salisbury where we found an ocean front room within walking distance to downtown. We had a really nice time - I just love the ocean.
We don't really have any plans this weekend, which is how I like it, but I am going to try to take the TJ challenge of working out every weekend day, from Friday - Sunday. He says that way, you get 3 workouts out of the way when you have plenty of time, and you aren't under as much pressure to get them all in during the week. He's right. Alison's trying it to, so we'll see how we do.
I cheated and watched TV last night, but I learned that many of the shows I watch regularly are no longer of interest to me. There were only a few shows that I was dying to get caught up on, so I'm trimming down my list of shows I watch, and I'm going to spend MUCH less time in front of the TV going forward. We have a new rule in the house since D is out of work and I'm working from home often, and it's no TV before dinner. I think that's a good start.
I am taking the TJ challenge as you know, let's see if I stick with it.
You caved after 4 days w/ no TV?
I am very surprised at that!
Glad you had a nice time at the ocean, I wish I could have joined y'all... I hope that I can walk the marginal way if I ever make it back to Ogunquit
"The TJ Challenge"...I feel famous. Kind of like a gay Lance Armstrong.
I am not surprised you caved and watched TV. I could never do it. I do adhere to the no tv during the day why I am not working rule.
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