Last night, I took Lexi for a short walk because I wasn't sure how she'd do. As you can see, she's a pug and they have trouble breathing, in addition to their very short legs and potential to overheat. It was cool out today (but not freezing), so I decided to take her for a 30 minute walk. I watched her and let her set the pace. Sometimes we walked, sometimes we meandered, and sometimes we jogged. She moved at a pretty good clip for most of it, and when we got home, she wasn't panting, and she didn't run right to her water bowl, so I'm sure she was fine.
I'd like to go for a longer walk with her, but we'll see. I did some research online, and it said that if a pug doesn't want to walk, she won't. She'll just sit down in the road if she's tired. I've also read that it seems 45 minutes is about the longest a pug can walk. I don't want to exhaust the poor thing, so I'll probably keep the walks to 20-30 minutes so that she's getting the exercise she needs but I'm not wearing her out. When we got back home, we played with a towel for a while, and she chased her tail in circles for a bit, and now she is curled up on the couch next to Darcy.
I've often read that dog owners lead healthier, happier lives, and so even though I'm not a dog person, I've thought about getting a dog. I don't like the idea of being chained down to a dog, but I love the idea of having a dog to walk with, run with, swim with, play frisbee with, etc... All that stuff is fun to me. Since Darcy wants a dog sooo desperately, I'm warming up to the idea, but this little experiment with Lexi has reminded us of one problem: we are both allergic. We kind of forgot about that...
There are some breeds that are less likely to cause pet allergies, but they aren't really the breeds that I can play with the way I want to, and they aren't the breeds that Darcy really likes for other reasons, so we're at a bit of a stand still with this discussion.
Either way, I'm going to have fun playing with my new toy this week!
Glad you took my lil pugsly for a walk, she probably really liked it.
Dogs are nice to have and as long as you have nice neigbors who don't mind watching him/her, you should be all set.
I soo LOVE dogs and pugs make people especially happy since they are so mild mannered and they snort when they can't help but want one. So I vote you get a pug of your own!
You're a good pug-sitter! Hope you guys can come to a hypo-allergenic compromise! You know you'll have plenty of volunteers to pitch in when you're away!
Very funny regarding The Darc, The pug and the dog
You know I love all animals. Get the puppy, it might force Miller to
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