I need to unwind before going to bed. My mind races at a million miles per minute all day long, and TV is my data dump. I sit in front of it, and just let the nonsense of the day dribble out of my brain. I need something. I was too tired to read, so Darcy read to me for a little bit. :) I was in bed at 9:30, and I slept like a baby.
I was tempted several times to turn the TV on last night. I wanted to stop working, but I didn't have the energy to do anything else. I did manage to get a workout in yesterday, so that is a good thing. Darcy went grocery shopping and picked up some healthy treats and meals, so we are well equipped to have a healthy week!
I have a *super* busy day at work today with back to back meetings every hour. I know I'll be tired this evening, but I do want to get some type of exercise in. I'm thinking a little dance, dance revolution Wii work out may be in store.
One day down, four to go. I can do this.
Will you be watching the President tonight? That is one tough household you guys run over that. I couldn't take it. Glad you are bust=y at work.
Can't imagine how you slept like a baby after getting up at 3:30 and working for 18 hours straight.
Oh ya and how did you come up with that picture?
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