At the beginning of my healthy living journey, I was 30 years old (almost 31) and my Real Age was 40 years old, 9 years older than my actual age. When I checked it about a year ago, I was 31 and my Real Age was 30.8, about 6 months younger than my actual age. Now I'm 32, and my Real Age is 30.2, 2 years younger than my actual age.
It's a fun online test to take, especially as you are making changes to your health. It's a neat way to visualize the changes that are actually happening, and the dynamic effect healthy living has on your health!
Try the test, and let me know how you do! www.realage.com
I forget how old it said I was when I first took the test [100 maybe?]
I will take it again and see if I have improved.
Good work at getting over 10 years younger!
I'm 47.3 -
Pretty close to my own age
I wish I knew how old I was before =
You can take it again and answer it with the answers from before you started healthy living. Let me know!!
You'll be in your 30's in no time!
Yay! As if I were not depressed enough this week, I know find out I am 2.9 years older than I really am. Yippee
That's not too bad! Just imagine what it would be if you were still smoking!
The longer you are smoke free, and the longer you eat healthy, the younger you'll get. You'll see! :)
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