Alexis and Jennifer watch footage of Martha's shows, while tearing it apart in a living room set. Sometimes, they try to make the crafts and foods along with Martha, and Jennifer shows how impossible it is to do along side of Martha, while Alexis does her very berry best to be as good as Mommy, but ultimately falls short.
Jennifer is a good little Jewish girl who is devoted to her husband and family, likes people and all is well in her universe. Alexis is the bad witch of the show, often displaying disdain for humankind and superiority (albeit somewhat deserved...she knows a lot more stuff than me...LOL) over all. She has a bit of a potty mouth, but I think that's just because she's trying to seem normal, and she doesn't quite know how.
These two are quite the funny duo, and I couldn't get through an episode of the show this week without having to stop it because I was wheezing and coughing too much. It should come with a warning for those bearing an upper respiratory infection.
This little plug is not only an attempt to bring laughter into your lives if you should take a chance on these two, but also the revelation that I really really like Alexis Stewart. I want to look like her. I have searched the internet for photos that accurately depict the person I see on these shows, but I cannot find any. You will have to tune in to see. I like her hair, her slim but buff and toned form, her clothes (though they are generally too girly for me), her posture, etc... She is 11 years older than me (which makes her 43), but she looks like she is my age or younger. I must start moisturizing.
I don't know if I have what it takes to ever be in as good of shape as she is, but as I start to rethink my ultimate goals for weight loss and what I want to look like, my sites get higher and higher. When I started this journey, I would have been happy landing where I am now. I mean, 160+ lbs less is a huge difference. I wanted to lose another 30 or 40 lbs from where I am now, but now that I have been in this range for quite a while, I want to lose at least 60 more lbs, and maybe more.
I know I will never be as thin as Alexis, but where I once envisioned my end result to be still a bit stocky, I'm thinking it may be fun to aim for thin, yet built. We'll see. I don't think it hurts to dream big. :)
Incidentally, Alexis and I share a birth date, which only goes to fuel my fire to strive to look like her.
You're striving to look like Alexis Stewart?
You have completely lost it.
Why?? She's very pretty, fit, etc...
She's got amazing arms! Go for it. :-)
doesn't she though?!
Kristen, this is your mom. I think Alexis's hairstyle would look very nice on you!
Pretty lady
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