I'm convinced I'm allergic to the northeast. I feel like I'm forever battling allergies, colds, flu, bronchitis, etc... Thankfully, I have this trusty little blog to refer back to, and I'm going to track all of my illnesses since I've been blogging for the past year and a half. Maybe we can get to the bottom of this.
I don't overly mind being sick, but it can be annoying and it always interferes with my weight loss. I'm on the couch all day, my appetite increases, I take in more sodium with all the soup, etc... I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I was laid up on the couch all day Saturday and Sunday. I had a fever off and on, but it seems like it finally broke during the night last night. I'm starting to feel human again. I am still having all the other symptoms, but my head isn't cloudy like it had been, so that is a big plus. I have a ton of work to do, in addition to getting caught up on all the other home/life things that I haven't done since being away.
I had to postpone my appointment with my personal trainer last Friday, and I'm waiting to reschedule when I'm feeling better. I am still having trouble with my back, so I may see a doctor about it, but it seems like it's more nerve issues than anything else, and I think those just have to go away on their own.
To combat the snow and cold weather, today we're going to have a summer BBQ meal: teriyaki flank steak, low fat potato salad, corn and a fresh salad. I can't wait.
Sorry you're under the weather, hopefully the rest helped you,
You poor kid, you are always sick. Maybe you are allergic to something in your house.
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