I met with my personal trainer today to talk about my goals, etc...and we went over some basic work out and nutrition guidelines. She definitely thinks I'm doing the right thing food wise, but she wants me to UP my calories. Yikes. I'm going to try it, although I'm scared. She wants me to consume between 1,500-2,000 calories per day. I won't go near 2,000 but I'm going to try the 1,500.
She thinks one of the reasons for my plateau could be that I'm not taking in enough calories. I know that's a possibility, but the thought of eating more scares me. I was already uncomfortable being in the 1,000-1,200 range, since I lost the majority of my weight eating between 600-800 calories per day...I know that's not a realistic long term approach though.
In order to increase my calories, I'm going to have a banana in my cereal every morning, and I'm going to eat more fruit. Sometimes I hold back on eating as much fruit as I want because it's so high in calories. (That makes me sounds like I have an eating disorder!) I will also plan to have some whole grain snacks during the day, which will help increase my fiber intake. I'm certainly not going to add the extra 300-500 calories with junk food.
A lot of tips she gave me are ones I already know, but I've been on this journey for a long time, so that's not a shock. I told her I would like to lose 60 lbs in about 6 months (or so), and that my goal this year is to sculpt and get as lean as I can without looking gross or small. I don't want to end up looking little...that doesn't work for me. Thin with good muscles, I can go for though.
Please - I'm still happy to be where I am now, which is about 60 lbs overweight. LOL I know originally my goal was to only lose another 30-40 lbs from where I am now, but now that I have been at this weight for so long, it no longer thrills me. It was quite a change from where I was, but I'm used to it now, and I feel like I want to go farther. I'm not in a rush. I'll get there when I get there, but I put the six month time frame there as a goal. After all, if you aim for nothing, that's what you'll hit, right?
I meet with her tomorrow for our first work out, and I will let you know how it goes.
you can't go the rest of your life eating 600-800 cals a day - INSANITY!
But I can see you being nervous to go to 2000 cals, that's a big jump. Try to hit 1500 [I can do it easily!]
good idea to add 600-800 'good' cals...
try it!
I'm going to. :)
I think it is great you are enlisting the help of a professional and taking their advice to heart. 60 pounds in 6 months.....go get'em
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