I don't mean to cheapen a mantra that has helped many people stay sober over the years, but I must say I feel like the same thought is true of a healthy living program, including going to the gym. Many people work out and get very little out of it, because they aren't working it properly.
It's easy to go through the motions and feel like you're doing the right thing, but really get nothing out of it. I've always been one to work out my workout because I enjoy getting sore and sweaty and feeling like I'm getting stronger, healthier and leaner. With my knee injury, it's just not the same.
I did the bike for 15 minutes today, but I was bored out of my skull, so I moved to the treadmill. I did that for 7 minutes, but it was starting to make my knee feel weird, and I didn't feel like I was getting anything out of the workout. I can't run or jog, and the fastest I could walk without jogging was 3.5 mph. To get a decent work out for my age, my heart rate should be at 140, at least, and walking 3.4 was only bringing me to 115.
It's not totally pointless, but I need to make sure I'm putting enough into my workout to get my desired results. It's not enough just to go through the motions. I did 22 minutes of cardio, and then it was time for my tanning appointment, so I stopped my workout at that point. My iPod died, so that didn't help my motivation to continue working out after I tanned. ;-)
I did push ups and 300 crunches when I got home, so I got about a 35 minute work out in, but I would like to have done more. There are only so many hours in the day, though, so I'm doing my best. I have to leave for class at 5:30 and I won't be home until 9:30 or 10, but I may do another 300 crunches when I get home tonight.
Tomorrow I have a going away party in Boston after work, so I'm not sure what time I'll be home. I have an early morning meeting, but I will make sure I get up early enough to make it to the gym first thing in the AM.
I'm already very bored with the exercise bike, and I can't wait to be cleared to go hiking again. I just hope it's before the snow comes!!
I don't think I could do 300 crunches if my life depended on it...I guess the fact that my belly sticks out so far I can almost not see my feet when I look down...doesn't help. Glad that you are at least able to get back to the gym for a few minutes at a time. Do you ever do the elliptical? That and the rolling stairs is all I can do while prego because all the rest of the stuff causes too much motion in the old baby baker (awkward!)
Good for you staying firm with your commitment. Try the stair master and a book, the time will fly by.
At least you're cleared to work out. You're restricted by your knee but you're getting the work outs in - which is what you had been longing for.
Can't you ever settle for less than perfect Miss Type A?
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