What nice looking bones.
I met with the orthopedic surgeon today. He was much more optimistic about my recovery than my PCP, so that's good. He doesn't think I have a torn meniscus. He thinks it's some kind of contusion. Apparently, my knee caps are higher than they are supposed to be, so I'm more prone to hurt my knee.
He felt some fluid in the knee, and he heard some creaking and cracking, but he thinks it will most likely heal itself. I need to continue to avoid stairs and walking up or down hills. I can, however, go back to working out using my legs on the treadmill (flat), or the elliptical or even the stationary bike. I hate all of those things, but it's better than nothing!
I am scheduled to see him in a month, and he's thinking I'll be all healed by then, so that would be a great thing. He also gave me some vitamin combo to take that will strengthen my knee, so I need to remember to do that.
I'm tired today because I didn't sleep well last night with my gallbladder acting up again... I'm hoping to make it to the gym today before class.
Higher kneecaps and weird hearing abilities. You are a little oddity aren't you...lol.
I am glad you are on the mend. Now we just need to fix that gallbladder problem and you will be tip top
Forget the bones, check out the silloutte of your skinny leg!
Glad that you don't need surgery, that is a relief...
and I cahn't believe you're squeezing in a gym visit in between work, school,no sleep and your on going gall bladder attacks
oh wait, I can
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