TJ and Marcel/lo gave me a gift certificate to Talbots (along with a very cool cook book) for my birthday. Darcy's sister is getting married tomorrow, and I still don't know what to wear, so I stopped at the Talbots outlet yesterday on my way home from work.
I don't know if I have super sensitive hearing, or if the music was turned down too low, but all I could hear was the screeching of hangers sliding down racks, as the pillagers pilfered through the racks of discounted attire.
I very quickly found two suits I liked, and I actually went to the dressing room to try them on. I can't remember the last time I did that. I wasn't even sure what the protocol was. I didn't remember this until I entered, but dressing rooms remind me of disappointment. So often, years ago, I would try on clothes and they would never fit. That is not fun. No wonder I hate shopping and trying on clothes so much, it must remind me of past failures!
One of the suits was a bit of a stretch, and I knew it wouldn't fit b/c the jacket was a size 14, and that's probably the jacket size I'll wear at my goal weight, considering my frame. If it was close, I would have bought it, but it was definitely a Chris Farley "fat guy in a little coat" scene. The other suit was very close to fitting me, and I ended up buying the smaller size of the two I tried on.
That means, I can't pull it off for tomorrow's wedding - I probably could, but I wouldn't be comfortable, but it's a much better idea for me to buy something that is too small than fits fine! Something too small will last much longer. I got a great deal! The suit was originally $250, and I got it for $46!
I still have $$ left on my GC, so I plan to stop by there again tomorrow while I kill time with Alison before the wedding...that is, if I can drag her there kicking and screaming. She too is not exactly a fan of shopping. I may buy that other suit I really liked. Who cares if it's a suit for when I hit goal. I know I'm going to get there, so I may as well start building a wardrobe!
This leaves me with the original dilemma of tomorrow. I know I can just wear a suit that I already have, and that's what I'll do, but which one. Most of them are quite baggy on me, and I like to wear things that are fitting when I'm seeing people I haven't seen in a while, so they can tell I've lost weight!
I don't have a dressy enough shirt to wear with the one suit the fits me properly, so I'll either need to find one, wear something that's not quite dressy enough, or wear a suit that's slightly loose, but with an appropriate shirt. Decisions!
Tonight is going to be a drag. I have a class that's starting tonight, so after this very long and draining week, I get to attend a Friday night class from 6-10. Oh well, I'll live...kicking and screaming...
You know that you're the only person on God's green earth that I don't mind shopping with... you stay at the mall just about as long as I do [2 minutes or less] and I have to buy a pair of shoes at Payless so the mall it is...
Should we bring TJ for the pretty woman experience?
ok listen up here:
1. You do have freakishly sensitive ears. that is why you yell at me across a crowded conference room for twisting my pen. WEIRDO!!
2. I see that maybe the past has set your shopping expectations low. But with your new slamming figure, clothes shopping should now be a fun and exciting opportunity. What nice thing will I buy myself today kind of feeling
3. Do NOT go shopping with Alison. 2 shopping haters do not make a successful excursion.
Class dismissed
PS: Since you are going to be in the mall. Fabric Place is going out of business. If you wanted to recover chairs or anyhting like that it might be worth a look as fabric is so expensive. I went a few weeks ago, they may have been picked clean by now
I don't know what color the sky is in TJ's world that he thinks I would shop for fabric... even at a discount.
If KC decides to do that, I am bailing from this little shopping excursion.
LOL - I've noticed the signs for Fabric Place, and I would like to get some fabric for something...I just don't know what yet. Maybe that's what we can do tomorrow, Ali! :)
Yay. Fabric, clothesand shoe shopping it's every woman's dream
Define 'woman'
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