Darcy and I have a wedding to attend today. Naturally, I was planning to wear a nice suit, but I just learned days ago that it's a casual affair. What to wear?! I only have ultra casual clothes and suits - nothing in between. I only get the bare minimum to last me through each size.
I went through all of the clothes Brooke gave me, and I found some pants to wear. All of her shirts are way to small for me. It's very strange, they fit okay in the shoulders now, but the cuff goes halfway to my elbow. I feel like a giant!
I went to Kohl's and I got a dress shirt to wear with the pants. I'm not crazy about the outfit, but it's not all about me, now is it?! :)
I need plastic surgery. I know, I'll wait until I'm at goal and once I've been there for a while, but for now, whenever I wear a pair of pants that fits me appropriately, I get a muffin top worse than usual. If I wear loose baggy pants, that doesn't happen, but then I look much bigger. It's quite a dilemma.
In frustration, I just told D that I was getting plastic surgery ASAP. She replied, "You're no where near done - why would you even think about that?!"
First of all, I wasn't serious, and second of all, thanks. After losing nearly 165 lbs and being 35-40 lbs away from goal, it's lovely to hear that I'm no where near done. I know that 40 lbs is technically a lot of weight to lose, but when you've lost as much as I have, it just doesn't seem like that much.
It's a beautiful day, and I've wasted the entire first 8 hrs of it doing work. I was just assigned an urgent project for the senior leadership team that's due on Tuesday AM. So much for my holiday weekend! :)
No where near done?
We know she has no concept of time and space so that statement proves it!
You should get the surgery once you're at goal so I am sure by next summer, you will be in a bikini thong out at cupcake!
that is a repulsive thought.
I can totally envision that
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