I think I may be a little bit sick/feverish because I have had the sweats today, bad. I was asked twice (jokingly) if I was going through menopause. That's lovely. I like to be a big sweat ball at work, let me tell you. I couldn't help it though - it was just pouring out of my head. I'm sitting in my freezing cold office right now, so that's a good thing.
The surgeon's office called me to see if I could have my bloodwork done again. They wanted to see if the results would be consistent. The woman I spoke to didn't know what specifically the MD was curious about, so I hung up the phone. I assumed it was my iron levels because I haven't been taking my iron and I've pretty much stopped eating red meat, so I thought that may be it. I just called her back to ask her what my hemoglobin level was in the bloodwork, and she said it's 11.1, and it's supposed to be between 12.1 and 15.1 in women. I know from my own history, that 11.1 is good-ish for me. I remember when it was as low as 6, so 11 is low, but not alarmingly so. If I just take my iron (or eat it!), I will be fine.
Now I'm wondering what may have stood out to her in my bloodwork. I have Thursday off, so I will plan to have it drawn then. In the mean time, I'm going to try to eat as nutrient rich foods as possible, and I think I'm going to go buy some grass fed beef. :)
I'm still planning to go to the gym tonight. I've been getting a head start on my work out by climbing the stairs six floors to my office today rather than taking the elevator, each time I've needed to come up.
Today is Canada day, and we are missing the festivities at Billy and Lanie's. D has to go dress shopping because she's in her sister's wedding, so she won't be home until late, and I'm working in Boston today, and so I will be getting home fairly late, and I still need to work out, but more than that, I'm just not at the top of my game, so I want to take it easy...other than my work out...;-)
Menopause = Pretty. Sweating, nauseus, hmmm could you be pregnant?
You are funny, TJ!!!
glad you're having your blood work done - let everyone know how it goes...
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