I feel like I ate that giant pile of salt. My tongue is seriously swollen. Gross! I had soup yesterday, twice, and it's so salty. I was up a few lbs today - water weight I'm sure, and I'm craving water. Alison got me some soup, and she tried to just get broth, but a tiny meatball slipped in. I tried eating it, and it was fine, so I've decided I'm cleared for mushies.
I had a nice mushy Healthy Request Campbell's chicken noodle soup for dinner, and I'm sure that's what I'll have for breakfast too. I'm not sure about lunch, but I'm sure I can find something soft on the menu, as I'm ordering out.
I had heartburn last night, which can be a sign of having too tight of a fill. I'm not used to eating such salty things, though, and it's gone today, so I'm hoping it was something I ate, and not the band being too tight. If the band is too tight, it's not a big deal, I just have to go for a slight un-fill, but what an annoyance!
Today is another busy day with work and school and lake association stuffs. I have no idea how I'm going to make time to exercise, but I'm going to try. This week has been an extenuating circumstance with the amount of work I've had to do. I really want to do something outside for exercise, because I feel like I've been stuck inside all week, but it's raining and flooding out, so that's not looking promising.
Do your belly dancing tape.
Yay for mushies! You are livin large, well only figuritively these days :)
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