I was thinking about the concept of falling off the wagon, as I drove to work this morning. I know I've mentioned this before, but every time I tried to lose weight in the past, I held myself to unrealistic all-or-nothing standards, and every time I failed...eventually.
Right now I'm living healthy for life. That means that some days I may have a treat, and other days, I may throw all reason into the wind (see: yesterday), and just eat irresponsibly because I want to, and it's not going to throw me off my course.
I do not feel any guilt about eating bad foods yesterday. None. I don't regret it either. I wish I didn't feel bloated and gross today, but that's the price I paid, and it's also a reminder of why I would never want to eat/live like that again.
Alison emailed me saying she knows that when I have a bad eating day or episode, I return to my healthy living with a vengeance, and that's true. It's not important to be perfect, it's important to be healthy. Even healthy people have naughty days or naughty meals, but the point is making them few and far between.
I don't know how I managed to break the cycle of ruining everything by "falling off the wagon," but it has saved me in this journey.
I'm not sure you had the same mind set in the past... the 'for life' thing. I often saw you be bad and then get back on the 'diet' the next day but then the bad days started to out number the good... we've all done it. You def have totally changed this time and I could never see you living the way you did before - neeeeeeeevah.
It's a whole new Kristen in every way!!
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