I decided it was too late to get a steak dinner together, so I heated up two little organic turkey dogs in a Joseph's tortilla with mustard and ketchup. I wanted to get to the gym, but I knew it would take me a while to finish eating that, so I changed into my gym clothes, grabbed my dinner, and drove to Home Depot, where I had to pick up a cabinet that I ordered. After that, I grabbed a few things I needed at Target (including iron), and I headed to the gym.
There's something not quite right with me. I started sweating profusely again, and it was way too early in my workout. I started off exercising at my full weight levels, but very soon I had trouble with that and I had to reduce the weights. I felt a little dizzy too, so I plowed through my exercises and headed home.
I've been working since I got home, but I'm hoping to stop around 9:30. I'm giving my brain a little break, which is why I'm blogging right now. I did take my other calcium pill and my iron pill tonight, so I think I got it everything I was supposed to today. I've decided I'm only taking one iron pill a day as long as my iron level keeps increasing.
The steak is marinating, and I'm probably going to cook it tonight, so that I can have it ready when I get home tomorrow night. I may just leave it marinating all night, and then cook it quickly when I get home. The earliest I'll be home tomorrow night is 6:30, and I don't like to eat past 7, so I'll be cutting it close.
Always finding time to cook and eat healthy and work out is not an easy task. It's worth it, but it's not easy.
I hear ya! You usually conquer your roadbocks, I could take a page from your book.
I wonder what is causing the sweatiness and dizziness - that's so odd -
You need to listen to your body and take it easy for a few days...
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