Once it wears off, the fever is back. I can't find my thermometer, but I'm pretty sure my fever was probably at 103 yesterday. It's the middle of July, and I had on a sweat shirt, pajama pants, and I was curled up in bed with the blankets on top of me. I was also somewhat delirious.
Darcy went to the store and got me some tylenol, and I finally started to feel more normal right before bed. I've been sick to my stomach for the past 5 days, and I can only eat really bland foods. So far, the only things that don't bother me are crackers, cookies, and pasta. I can't eat much, though, but I'm tracking my calories and making sure I'm getting enough in.
You'd be surprised how little you need to eat of those carbs before you hit 900 calories. LOL. I'm going to try to get protein in today. I want to get back to eating normal foods.
I have weighed in on the Wii the past two days, and as of today, I'm less than I've been since I bought the Wii fit. It must be working. LOL. I've had it for 39 days, it tells me, so that's like what, 6 weeks? I think it has me down 8 or 9 lbs from my first weigh in, and probably more like 15 from my high point in the past 39 days.
Of course, this is weight I've already lost before, so it's not anything to throw a parade over, but I'm just hoping that when I'm better, I can keep this slow and steady weight loss going, so that I can forge past this plateau and start losing original weight again.
I think I'm on my way. Darcy is worried that I'm counting calories while sick with pneumonia, but I'm eating cookies and crackers, and I don't want to go overboard- and I also want to make sure I'm getting enough calories in (without going overboard).
I think I'm going to try to have cereal for breakfast. Milk is dicey, but I have to try at some point, right?
I hope you feel better soon!
Leave it to you to count calories on your freaking death bed - LOL.
Oh man, feel better soon, will ya?
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