It rained the entire week and a half we were away, and by the time we came home, the weeds had overtaken our lawn, and were like a foot tall - seriously. This past weekend we had a bunch of company up for the 4th of July festivities, and I was in bed with pneumonia the entire time. I'm absolutely mortified to think that all of these guests came to our house when we had a lawn that looked like an overgrown field.
I've been sick, sick, sick all week, and today for the first time, I had a little bit of energy, so when we got home from dinner tonight, we mowed the lawn and weedwacked. It took almost an hour because the grass was so ridiculously long. I was schvitzin, let me tell you.
Hopefully I worked off some of the italian food I had for dinner! My appetite was weak all week long, and even though I sat on my butt all week, my weight was creeping downward. Today, I was *hungry*! We had a delicious steak taco salad for lunch at La Carretta, and for dinner I had Pollo Valdostana - a lightly breaded chicken breast with asparagus, italian ham, mozzarella over linguini in a delicious, light wine sauce. (Alison - the leftovers are in the fridge - don't forget!!)
I ate a lot more of it than I thought I would, and I wasn't ridiculously stuffed after either. I do hope I worked off some of the calories while doing yardwork. Since I'm still recovering, and since my allergies really bother me when I'm mowing the lawn, I wore a nerdy mask, but I think it helped a LOT.
I can't wait until I'm well enough to exercise again. I know I sound like a broken record with all that, and I know I have to get well, but I've been on such a good run lately - I just want to keep the momentum I have. I know how hard it can be to get back into a good groove once you lose it.
I'm hoping by next week - maybe mid week - I'll be completely better and working out hard. I'm not sure if it will be that fast - the last time I had pneumonia I think it took like a full month to get all the way better...but here's to hoping! :)
Wow, you must be feeling better if you were able to mow the lawn!
and it the lawn didn't look as bad as you describe!
Have fun this weekend and don't worry, I won't forget about the leftovers.
I am anal about my oen lawn so i gt it. I pretend I am vacuuming...lol.
I am glad you seem better but don't push it.
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