It came on FAST this time. On Wednesday, I felt a little tired, on Thursday, I couldn't breathe, and by Friday morning, I had the whole fluid in the lungs, and I was choking every time I coughed. I slept pretty much all day and night Friday and Saturday, and today I'm finally starting to feel better.
I'm still sick, of course. I feel like I have the flu, but it's so much better than the feeling of not being able to breathe, choking on every cough, burning in my lungs, and a fever that made me delirious.
I am going to find an MD in NH and really try to get to the bottom of all of this. I think I'm allergic to my house. Is that covered by homeowners insurance?? :)
So sorry you got sick but I'm glad you're at least a little better. Good idea to find a doc in NH and see him/her about this.
You poor kid!! You should have been a doctor you love to self diagnose and you are usually right..
Feel better
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