I twisted my knee last week falling, and then I hurt it again (twice) since then. I'm quite sure it's sprained. Don't you hate it when you hurt something once, and then you hurt it again and again? That's annoying. It's much worse than it was when I originally hurt it last week. I have a knee brace on today, so it feels much better than it has.
Last night I went to a fisher cats game for a work event. I ended up walking quite a bit (for a sprained knee), and I had to go up and down several flights of stairs. Normally the stairs wouldn't bother me, but they
really bothered my knee, and I had trouble walking by the time I got home last night.
My knees are already
susceptible to injury because being as overweight as I was for so long really weakened them. I think I want to do physical therapy to try to
strengthen them. I know they are strong when I lift weights, but I need to do more healing exercises so that I'm not requiring knee replacement surgery at 35.
My pneumonia is getting better, but I still get winded much quicker than before. I know that will pass soon, and I still need to take it easy.
My newest medical mystery is a bump that appeared on the white part of my eye. I just noticed it last night. My eyes are often dry and itchy from allergies, and my quick web based research tells me it's possibly related to allergies or it could be related to exposure to the sun. I'm not always great about wearing sunglasses because, hello - I don't want to have a
raccoon tan. I'm not always great about wearing goggles in the tanning bed, so now, rather than having
raccoon eyes, I have a growth on my eyeball - lovely.
I read the treatment for either cause is eye drops, possibly the ones with steroids, and that should do the trick. If not, it's time to see an
opthamologist. The fun never ends! :)
Lastly, I'm fat. I was doing so well last week and the week before...I'm not sure what happened (yes I am - I was really tired on Sunday from not sleeping well on Saturday night and getting up so early for my
photoshoot, so I decided to lick my wounds by eating a corned beef dinner. The next day, I felt like junk from eating so much junk [garbage in, garbage out!] the day before, that while I tried to eat healthy for the first half of the day, all bets were off by dinner time, and I ate junk...again), but yesterday I was up 10 lbs from 3 days before.
It's seriously crazy how much my weight fluctuates. Yesterday, I ate appropriately. I also knew that our luxury box at the ball game would be filled with unhealthy options, so I made sure to have a light dinner before going. I didn't eat a thing.
Today I was down 3 lbs from yesterday, but I had 2 frozen meals yesterday, so I know that sodium wasn't helping my cause. I still need to go grocery shopping. Darcy picked up a few things, but we need to do a full shopping run so that I'm not eating chemicals for every meal in my feeble attempt to be healthy.
I have a WW frozen meal for lunch, but Darcy is going to make a fresh, low fat dinner tonight, and I'm going to take the leftovers with me for lunch tomorrow. I'm hoping the rest of the 10 lbs will be gone by Friday. They should be.
I wish I could expedite all of this by exercising, but no such luck. I know I need to get well. I'm on my way.