I am a part of a yahoo group that I've mentioned before, and most bandsters seem to have the same philosophy I do about eating healthy in general, but from time to time allowing something that isn't as healthy - in moderation. A few bandsters, however, are purists and they believe that every single meal (without exception) should be made up of a serving of lean protein, veggies, and a low calorie source of fiber/whole grain. I say - live and let live, but I do think that the purists will have a hard time following a completely rigid diet over time. A 100% rigid diet has *always* resulted in failure for me.
I'll say it again: Progress...not perfection.
My strategy has been to study the eating and healthy living habits of healthy thin people I know, and these people make healthy choices almost every meal. If they decide to have pizza on Friday night, they are back to healthy eating the next morning, and they may even work out a little extra to make up for it. That is now how I live, and it's working well for me. I can envision living like this for the rest of my life, and I do envision it. Do not underestimate the power of visualization related to your goals, whatever they are.
As you can guess from the title of this email, I have gotten a bit off track. ;-) After the movie, Darcy and I went to the WaToy for dinner. The WaToy is a local Italian restaurant. (kidding - just seeing if you're still with me!) I was full from my popcorn, but I didn't want Darcy to feel silly eating alone, so I ordered steamed chicken and snow peas. As it is, we were the *only* people in the restaurant. Apparently, they temporarily lost their liquor license, and no other customers felt it was worth staying. I loved being the only customers. I'm going to track restaurants that have lost their liquor license and visit them all! ;-)
When my dinner arrived, it was lathered in an unidentifiable brown gravy. How is it that they offer a dish served in their "Healthy Meals" section that is drowning in fat and sugar? The waitress looked at me funny when I ordered it (and she's worked there forever), and she kept asking me if it was just chicken and snow peas. Ah, yes. Your menu, not mine. I think that no one has ever ordered it before. I'm pretty sure they had no idea what I was asking for, so they whipped up some ridiculous sauce to serve with it.
Thumbs down to the WaToy, although overall I had fun there, and I did enjoy my tea!
Live from Goffstown, KC
PS: Darcy has requested more pictures in my blog. That's her favorite part. I don't have the heart to tell her that a blog is actually more about the words part. (Interesting factoid: did you know the word blog was shortened from the original "web log?")
This is what my dinner was supposed to look like:

This is more along the lines of what my dinner actually looked like:
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