My calves are even more sore today than yesterday. Oooops. Hopefully we will have time for Hampshire Hills because I would love to swim laps as my cardio today. If not, I'll do yoga. The exercise bike or treadmill would not help the issue. Today it's upper body for strength training.
I also need to clean my house and work on my home work for next week. If I can get it done this weekend, then it won't be hanging over my head all week. I actually already started it at 6:30 this morning, so I'm sure I'll be done with it tonight.
My friend Lanie asked me to help her get on a healthy eating program. I asked her to track everything she ate for a week, and she did. Now we're going to meet to discuss it. She is a very healthy eater overall. I think she only needs to make a few minor changes to her diet, and the key will really be exercise. I think that applies to a lot of people with a small amount of weight to lose - just a few modifications to the diet and incorporate exercise and voila, you're there!
KC, future weight loss guru - LOL
PS - 90 lbs:

you are a healthy and fittness guru already! You will have everyone on the river in tip top shape by summer!
BIG FAT CONGRATS [sorry for the pun] on your 90 pounds weight loss. Astounding! Even for you... good job
Way to go Kid!!
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