Some of you have told me that I make this look so easy. I attribute that to my attitude. I'm not bragging; it's just a fact. Every day I have a choice to make. Am I going to let things get me down, or am I going to be grateful for those things because they make me stronger? The attitude I have regarding this weight loss journey is the same attitude I have about every other area of my life.
There is a reason people call me Sally Sunshine.
But I'm not a sally, and I don't see everything as sunny. I purposely choose to look for the best in every situation. I was driving to work with Darcy the other day, and she kept getting so upset about traffic and the way people were driving. I get it - traffic is one of the most annoying things in life, and people driving like jerks or idiots is right up there. Traffic is part of life. You can choose to plan your commute around it, greatly reducing the amount of time you spend in it, or you can drive during rush hour and sit in it every day. If you don't encounter traffic too often, you can handle it better when it happens.
Every individual has power over his or her life. We contol our destiny much more than we give ourselves credit for. Never in my life have I ever wondered "why me?" I have had fantastic ups and devastating downs, and my choices brought me to each.
I have chosen to make this journey just a little piece of my life. I choose not to focus on the fact that it's inconvenient to have to plan each meal so thoroughly, or that my life on the road would be so much easier with fast food. I choose not to focus on the fact that I have to retrain my mind to pick healthier choices at my favorite restaurants. I choose not to mourn the loss of the bad food I used to eat. I choose to see that food as fattening and gross like the people who eat it, and I used to be one of them.
I don't let myself feel regret over these changes. I make food more delicious than ever. I don't feel like I'm missing out on things, because I choose not to feel that way. It starts with a choice, and then it becomes reality.
Attitude is a decision.
Attidude is a committment. It takes practice. I've been practicing my whole life, so it's second nature now. It's not too late to start.
very uplifing my friend...
but don't forget - 'people' don't call you Sally Sunny, I do
believe me, my dear, you are not the only one
I was hoping reading that might help my mental state today. It didn't! It also made me want to find you and beat you..lol. I need a cigarette. Your angry (Yay I am making positive choices) non-smoking friend.
Donny Dark
I am proud of you Netsirk.
you got that right
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