I have followed my points just about perfectly, and I'm not losing any weight. I'll lose some, but then I gain it back. My weight goes up and down and up and down, and it's slowly starting to creep up. What a wonderful weight loss program you folks have!
LOL - I kid. I think WW can be a great program, but I just entered my points from yesterday into fitday.com (that I haven't been using), and I had 1800 calories for the day, but I was within my points! 1800 isn't terrible, but it's 50-70% more than I had been eating. No *wonder* I wasn't losing anything!
My trainer, and some others, told me that I needed to eat more to move past my plateau. Maybe that should be true, but it clearly didn't work for me. If any good will come of this experience, it's that perhaps I'll start losing again now that I'm going down to my 1000-1200 calorie/day diet!
Also, when it's time to maintain, maybe I'll try WW again. Alas, dear readers, it is most definitely NOT time to maintain now, so on I go, back on the fitday.com. It's funny to think that a weight loss program was a detriment, but it make sense if you think about it.
My daily points allowance was based upon my weight. What they were telling me to have would probably be a lot less than most people my weight, but for me, since I was on the way down, it turned out to be quite a bit more.
Fitday, I don't know why I ever strayed. I'm coming home now! :)
Why would you abandon a tool that worked out so well for you.
I am glad you are getting back with something that was beneficial
I don't feel that's enough calories for you. You may not be losing now...but you will. You need to eat to lose weight!!! I suggest uping the exercise and continue the ww plan.
A tool that worked so well for me? You mean fitday? Yeah, I don't know. I was on a plateau, so I wanted to try something else.
It's enough calories for me according to my nutrition, so I'm sure I'll be fine. I get in plenty of protein, fiber, fruits and veggies, etc... much more than most people in higher calorie diets.
I've been exercising 60-90 mins/day at a very good pace - I don't have time to do more than that, and I don't think more than that is a good idea.
What is Justin doing to you??!!!
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