I'm sorry, chocolate lovers. That was probably mean to post. LOL
It's easter this weekend (right?!), and that means easter candy and sweets. Thankfully, I'm not weak in the knees over chocolate the way most women are. That's not to say I can't appreciate it from time to time, because I can/do, but I don't crave it and drool over it (or flip out wanting it - LOL) as the case may be.
My parents abandoned me years ago (apparently a geriatric needy cat is no competition for live little boys) to be near my sister and her family. Darcy's parents have other plans, so POOR Darcy and me have no plans for Easter.
To deal with the pain and overall feelings of abandonment, we will be forced to swallow large quantities of cadbury eggs and peeps to overcompensate for our sorrow and lonliness.
Actually, I don't think Easter was as big of a holiday for me (grew up Baptist) as it was/is for my Catholic friends. I'm not sure why. The Baptists love their sunrise services, easter egg hunts and ham with cheesy potatoes just like anyone else. I *think* it was more of a church holiday for us, though, than it was a big family thing, but that may just be my impression. My parents may think I'm crazy...who knows. It's also entirely possible that I was never that into Easter because I never really liked ham. I did like sunrise services, though, and I definitely enjoyed searching the house for my easter basket, even when I was in high school.
My Catholic friends seem to equate Easter with Thanksgiving almost, and it just didn't come close to Thanksgiving on my family holiday radar. I don't think anything of the fact that we have no plans for easter, other than apparently to devote the majority of today's blog to the topic - LOL. Darcy suggested going to church, but I don't want to be a holiday church goer. That's just not me. I would like to find a church I like in the area, in general, but I just haven't yet.
I'm *very* picky when it comes to organized religion. I think that's a good thing. In general, I try to avoid all things organized. Sometimes, organization leads to homogenization which can lead to insanity. Sometimes not. :) I think that part of being a healthy person is to have spiritual health as well, and I realize that people find faith in their own private path, and it's not the same path for everyone. For me, I need there to be more to this life than the dimensions in which we live.
So yeah, last year, we had a lovely Easter at Lanie and Billy's. The food was fantastic! I loved celebrating Easter with good friends. This year, if we're so inclined, we may make a nice meal here at the house. I want a turkey, though, and I'm sure Darcy wants a ham. Maybe I'll make a hamurky. That's a lot of leftover meat. I'd rather just work at the soup kitchen.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a call back from a place you want to volunteer? I have my name out to every place I can find in Manchester. No one ever calls. I've heard the same from other people as well. I guess we're all set for volunteers in NH!
We'll think of something. I won't feel deprived not having a basket full of candy. I could totally go for cheesy potatoes though. ;-)
That was mean to post. I haven't been that excited since I saw Mario Lopez shirtless.
I too have tried to volunteer for many organizations and they don't call back. It is odd and deflating to one's spirit.
Hamurkey...lol. Maybe a nice pork roast would be a good middle ground.
We don't do any baskest here for easter...too many calories..lol
It's funny about the volunteer thing, I appliled too just 2 weeks ago to 2 local hospitals... and no word back - how odd that us 3 healthy people are on the same page with this -
I agree, pork roast is a good compromise.
Happy Easter.
I could seriously DIVE into that cake head first right now!
Cathedral of the Pines (Ringe NH) would be your kind of "church." Have you ever been there? It's breathtaking! Easter Sunrise service at 6 AM, gates open at 5:30 AM : )
I went to a wedding there once - very cool. Maybe I'll check out their Easter AM service - thanks for the tip!
LOL re: dive into the cake!!!
I am SO NOT KIDDING...I keep coming back to your blog and staring at the cake. Do you think I might have a problem? LOL
I must be so over my chocolate cravings because the picture of the prime rib on my blog make me salivate much more than your chocolate cake!
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