If we are healthy and safe, why is the Northeast so grumpy? I'm doing some research on that very subject on my new blog (www.servicerater.blogspot.com) - don't worry, I don't expect people to read it regularly. It's kind of boring. :) It's more of a way for me to track my experiences with service personnel in my travels to see if NE is really as grumpy as I think they are.
I think that being happy and friendly are components of overall health and well being. I try to stay positive, but it's not always easy. :)
We are grumpier due to the weather, the traffic, and the fact that although we work out consistently, we have even less down time so we are all constantly rushing around.
You... trying to stay positive?
I think the North East is grumpy because it's so cold up here.
that's all I got.
Everyone blames the weather, but the mid/north west, that has just as bad (or worse) weather does not act like grumpy gusses. Think about people you meet from Minnesota or northern Washington state? Totally nice. Try again.
Traffic? Check out LA, NYC, Atlanta...(K, NYC is lumped in with grumpy northest - LOL)
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