Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Goodbye, Phatland
Thank you all for reading this past year and a half. Your support to me through this journey has made all the difference.
I started this blog to document my journey into healthy living, and at the time, that was very closely related to getting lap band surgery. Getting the lap band was a much needed helper to me in my weight loss journey, but after 18 months, it is just a small part of my life and overall quest for health.
I've been working on a project called Choosing Joy, and I'm moving on to a new blog that documents those efforts. You can find me at:
See you soon!
Brooke is coming over Thursday night, and we're going to go kayaking, and I'm going to grill out. It's just so much easier to live healthy in the nice weather!
I had a nice light breakfast of cereal with skim milk, and I had a steak tip salad for lunch. I felt much better, and I had lots of water. For some reason, I started feeling really tired and sick this afternoon, and I ended up having pizza for dinner.
Now I feel gross again. That was dumb. At least 2 healthy meals out of 3 is better than nothing! I'm going to clean out my system tomorrow. Even though we are going away this weekend, I'm not going to make bad food choices. I just don't like how I feel when I eat unhealthy food. It's a welcome change. :)
I feel like this kitty

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When I was young, my birthday appeared to be a holiday. I had a class party, a party with friends, and a family party with all the relatives. The festivities seemed to go on and on. My parents always made my birthdays so special. They made amazing 3d cakes, before there were ever pans or tools for such things, and they treated me like I was a princess. I loved it, and I looked forward to every birthday...still do.
Now that I'm an adult with my own money, I like to treat myself for my birthday. I'm sure those of you who know me best are wondering how that's different from any other time...touche. ;-) But I really like to go overboard for myself on my birthday. LOL. When I turned 30, it was a first class trip to Key West. 31 I skipped because it was right before surgery, and that was the only thing I cared about at the time. When I turned 32, I bought me and Darce a trip to FL. I was thinking of doing the same for my 33rd birthday, but shhhhh....I don't want to ruin my surprise!
I think birthdays, like so many other things in life, are what you make of them. It's easy to get hung up on age, and getting older, and making the event of the birthday a bigger thing than it needs to be. It's the only day of the year when you are allowed to celebrate YOU! Take advantage of it, and have fun with it! Have fun with your friends and family. Give yourself an indulgent gift - it doesn't have to be expensive - it can be an afternoon without the kids, or a day of skipping chores to curl up on the couch with a good book or an Arrested Development marathon. (hilarious show - tragically cancelled)
So now that we're all over the hang up on birthdays
I do try to live my life to the fullest, and by many measures, I succeed in doing that. I'm not where I want to be, though. I want to be monetarily self sufficient so that I can make a positive impact (friendly footprint, if you will) with the grandest scope. I don't want to work for the rest of my life. I just want to earn enough money while I'm young so that I can live the way I want to later on.
It's easy to say, and nearly impossible to do. I have to be very careful. I could end up making the money I want, and just decide to keep making more money. That's not what I want for this life. If I did that, I would probably panic when I started hitting the milestone birthdays because I would feel like I was getting on the wrong side of the hour glass and I wasn't on the right path.
I think it's important to be true to yourself, and take inventory of your life. Don't let too much time pass without spending time reflecting. If we find the things that will give our lives meaning, and if we strive to achieve those things, I think we will be fulfilled. Life is full of distractions. It would be very easy to be distracted your entire life - especially in this ridiculous day and age.
I'm turning 40 in seven and a half years. I plan to be happy about it. I love the wisdom my years reward me with. I know I'm still young, but I'm trying to cling to each lesson. I hope I will keep my open mind, and I hope I will always be able to look at things with a fresh perspective. I hope when I turn 50, I'll be even happier and more content, and the same goes for 60, 70, 80 and maybe even 90!
I know that by being in the top physical health I can be, it will make each milestone that much more enjoyable. I have decades of bad habits that I need to overcome, and I'm still rewiring my brain. I know that I will be drastically more healthy at 40 than I was at 30. That is something to be happy about.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Let them eat cake!
I used the lemon rinds to decorate the cake. Why not, right?
I'm not a cake person, but I've been eating too much of this cake. I'm craving sweets lately, and I'm just not myself. I'm still not back to myself yet. I fell asleep at 10 last night, and I had to drag myself out of bed at 8 this morning. I had a pretty relaxing weekend, so there's no reason I should be this tired.
I should be doing much better by the end of this week, and if I'm still feeling tired and weak, I'm going to see my MD. I'm getting the rest I should, and I'm taking it easy.
PS - Today is Krissy's birthday - Happy Birthday, Li'l K!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hooray for spring!!!
Last night, Stephanie and Carolyn came over for a little BBQ. I made steak tips, chicken strips, corn on the cob and asparagus. Everything came out well, and it was so nice to eat on the grill! We ate out at the picnic table by the water. The winter is FINALLY over, at long last!
I used a marinade that I always use, especially when I'm in a rush. I just tenderize the meat and marinate it in fat free italian dressing and low sodium soy sauce. When I have more time, sometimes I add in spices, etc, but it's really not necessary. The two ingredients blend together really well. People often ask me if I get my meat from a meat shop. I used to, but not anymore. It's low fat/calorie and tasty!
For the corn, I just spray it down with butter spray and a little salt, wrap it in tinfoil and grill. It's ready to eat when you unwrap it. I always buy Bearnaise mix for the asparagus, and I spray the asparagus with butter spray, sprinkle on the Bearnaise mix, and grill it in tinfoil. It's easy and delicious.
It's cool and overcast today, but after the weekend, it's supposed to be sunny and warm all week. I'm hoping I'll be better because I'm planning on hiking, kayaking and biking in the nice weather!
Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009
What are you craving?

I know exactly what she means by that, though, and I felt like that many times throughout my journey...just not now. It's hard to feel like that when you're feeling fat, bloated, and on a terminal plateau. I read my charts yesterday from the MD, and I weigh a few lbs more now than I did last October. Ugh. I know I'm bouncing around the same weight, and sometimes I weigh a few lbs less than I weighed then, but other times I weigh a few lbs more...this is one long plateau.
I long for the feeling of craving being thin. I don't normally crave bad things in general, so that's not a big struggle for me, but just having the high that she's on is something I miss. I miss feeling like I'm doing all the right things, and everything is just coming together beautifully! That's just not the case.
I haven't been able to exercise regularly all year for a myriad of viable reasons, but that's just not helping me. I've been sick and sick and sick, and that's not helping either. I am going to get to the bottom of the reason I'm sick all the time. If it's due to the region, I'll move. If it's due to milk, I'll stop consuming it. If it's my cat - BUH - BYE!!!! (jk) I want to be well. I want to be on a high. I want to move past my plateau.
I'm going to find a PCP near me. My current PCP is an hour away. I'm going to address all the obstacles that are getting in the way of me exercising and losing weight and being healthy in general. Hopefully I can be a loser again soon!
On a positive note, I've been on a plateau for over six months, and I haven't gained over all. I've gone up and down, as I will always do, but I've stayed about the same. If nothing else, that is a good thing, and I'm glad!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If we are healthy and safe, why is the Northeast so grumpy? I'm doing some research on that very subject on my new blog ( - don't worry, I don't expect people to read it regularly. It's kind of boring. :) It's more of a way for me to track my experiences with service personnel in my travels to see if NE is really as grumpy as I think they are.
I think that being happy and friendly are components of overall health and well being. I try to stay positive, but it's not always easy. :)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Adjusting my expectations

I didn't sleep well while I was in CA, and I'm still recovering from pneumonia, which just makes you tired and weak, so I need to readjust my expectations of myself. I thought yesterday could be my day to take it easy, and I could just hit the ground running today. Wrong.
I had big plans for yoga, the gym, getting a ton of work done, getting caught up on bills, cleaning, making plans to record a CD (yet another side project of my insanity), but I've quickly whittled that list down to work and going for a walk. If I have time for anything else, I'll do my bills.
I'm crossing my fingers hoping that by tomorrow, I'll have the energy to be on track with my schedule again. If I feel like this again, though, I will take it easy. I don't want to prolong this illness.
We are in desperate need of groceries. We were so tired yesterday and had nothing in the house, so we ordered in. I'm hoping Darcy will be feeling up to making a quick grocery store run today, to at least get us enough to last us for today.
All in all, I was up 3 lbs from my Saturday weigh in (and 5 from my low point right before I left), when I got home yesterday. I was down a lb from all that today, and I can tell I'm clearly bloated, and that the other 2-4 lbs will be gone in no time, and then more will follow.
I have my appointment tomorrow with my potential new lap band MD. I hope she agrees to take me on, because I know I'm overdue for a fill, and I just don't feel like going on a 5 hr trip to get one.
I'll let you know how it goes!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Home at last
We had a nice last day in California. We left Palm Springs just before noon, had lunch on the way back to San Diego, and arrived at a Mission Beach in San Diego around 3PM. It was neat being at an authentic California beach.
They had a paved boardwalk for people to rollerblade and bike ride - just like in all the movies based in California:
There were surfers and kite surfers at the beach. I've wanted to try kite surfing since the first time I saw someone do it a few years ago in Nahant. I wouldn't have been physically able to do it then, but now I'd love to try. I'm afraid of going out too far, falling into the water and being attacked by a shark, but sometimes the fear makes the experience more fun. :)
After spending time on the beach, we checked out some of the beach side shops and went for an ice cream. It was fun, but the area we visited was a little bit rough around the edges. I think it's a big party spot for tourists.
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Old Blue Eyes

I had Chicken Saltimbocca. I've never ordered that before, but Alison always gets it, and loves it, and it sounded fantastic, and it WAS. After my salad and the bread, I wasn't hungry at all, but I managed to get through half of it! Their portions weren't as obscene as many other Italian restaurants, so I guess that wasn't thaaat bad...
I had way too much salt yesterday, even though I worked out and walked 2 miles and drank a ton of water, I was up a half a lb today. As of this morning, I'm the same weight I was last Saturday, so I didn't gain any weight this week (except for the 3 lbs I'd lost during the week! :( ), and that's a good thing.
I have 2 more days of this trip, and I'm looking forward to getting home Monday, and eating my healthy foods. I really want to lose weight before my MD appointment on 4/8.
We didn't end up doing any of the things we were planning yesterday. Poor Darcy was so sick. She finally got up around 11:30, we went to lunch, came back to the resort, went to the pool area for about 2 hrs, came back to the room and watched a movie, went to dinner, went to a comedy show, and then went to bed around 9:30, which has been pretty much our bed time this entire trip.
I'm going to try again today to drink lots of water, avoid salt, and hopefully be down that 3 lbs again by tomorrow. That would be a nice going home prize for me. :)
Friday, April 3, 2009
I blame you!
The steak was so tender and marinated to perfection. The pico de gallo was fresh and fantastic. The whole meal was just a delite!
But today, I'm up 3 lbs from yesterday. LOL. It was funny that I could eat such a big meal! Between all the coughing and being sick, I have gotten foods stuck a lot lately, and I haven't been able to eat that much. However, foods without carbs that are wet are apparently no problem at all! I was very full after, but I just couldn't stop. It was the best Mexican food I'd had in my entire life.
For dinner, we went to an italian restaurant. Poor Darcy needed comfort food. I had a spinach, chicken and fontina cheese risotto. It was fabulous! ; Darcy had the bolognese, and she almost licked the plate - it was THAT good. I didn't eat much of the risotto. I felt bad, but I did enough damage at lunch. I had a few tastes and that's all that I needed. The waiter thought there was something wrong with it - not one bit!
When I knew I wanted to stop eating my risotto, I pulled my pepper trick, and peppered the whole dish so that I wouldn't be tempted to eat more of it. That has saved me from many an episode of overeating!
I also haven't been drinking enough water. When I'm on vacation, my big treat is always diet soda. Plus, I've not been feeling well, and diet coke helps wake me up sometimes. Also, I bought a 6 pack of diet IBC root beer for the room, and I've been enjoying those too!
I'm going to eat light today, and drink lots of water, and hopefully the 3 lbs I'm up today will be gone tomorrow. I worked out this morning. I didn't dare do cardio, because I still can't breathe from the pneumonia, but I lifted weights. I took it easy, and I only did 25 minutes, but it's a step in the right direction! I think I'll be ready to start up my yoga again by the time I get home.
I'm not sure what's on the agenda for today. It depends on how Darcy feels. I feel better and better each day, but I'm not myself yet, at all. I feel like I have a cold or allergies, but that I'm just really tired on top of it - I'm not terribly sick, just a little sick and fatigued.
Darcy took nyquil last night, and I'm hoping she gets plenty of rest. It's 7:30 AM here, and I've been to the pool, went for a walk, updated my blog (obv), and did some work. Now what? :)
Depending on how Darcy is feeling when she gets up, we're going to do one (or more) of the following today:
- local water park
- visit Joshua Tree
- Jeep tour through a canyon
- visit and tour a vineyard
- take a tram up the mountains
I know it's silly to go to a water park, because we can do that anywhere, but it is HOT out here, and it would be nice to be in the sun and do something fun. The resort is sold out for the weekend, so I'm sure the pool is going to be slammed. A water slide sounds like a blast to me. I want to do at least one of the other things as well, and again, it all depends on how the Darce is feeling.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Bit O Country
This is what I ordered:
Yikes! LOL. I ended up having 1 piece of bacon, 1 and a half eggs, and the english muffin. My plate still looked full when I was done with it, but I had managed to eat 10 points worth of food! I'm going to have to be careful the rest of the day.
I have been within my points every day since I've been here. I finally found a scale today, and I'm not sure if it's the same as the one at my house, but I'm sure it's close enough, which means I'm on the right track. According to this scale, I'm down about a lb since I got here. If that's true, I'm pleased because eating out is always dicey.
I'm not sure where we're eating for lunch, but I get obsessed with food on vacation. Going out to eat is one of the most fun things to do on vacation (for me at least), because you get to see different pieces of local color, EAT, people watch, etc..., I just love it. At breakfast, the couple behind me was paying their tab and already talking about where they were going to go for lunch - Those are my people! LOL
Darcy is sick, so we'll go wherever she wants - whatever she thinks will make her feel better. It's almost 10:30 PST right now. I'm supposed to wake her up from her nap at 11. If she's up to it, we're going on a tram ride to see the sights from the sky! I think that will be fun!
The Adventures of Phat-So?!
Here are some of the ships in the Marina that was attached to our hotel:
The resort is fabulous. Truly. The room is amazing.
We went to downtown Palm Springs last night, and walked just about the whole main drag. I did okay at first, but after a while, I was having trouble breathing, and I ended up having a bit of a coughing fit, but I recovered!
I had a yummy dinner of pot stickers and asparagus. We met a friend at the resort who was meeting up with her friends tomorrow, but didn't have anyone to have dinner with, so we invited her to join us. It was great because she's been to Palm Springs before, and she showed us all around!
She, like everyone else I've met from the West Coast, is super nice. She's also 45, and she looks like she's younger than me. I swear there's something in the air out here...
When we were in San Diego, we were surrounded by people from all over the country because of the hotel's proximity to the convention center. Now that we are in Palm Springs, it's a different crowd. Everyone, almost everyone, is thin. Whenever I visit areas where everyone is thin, I always want to move there.
I know that some overweight people may feel the opposite, but I just feel like it's a healthier environment. People are really health conscious, and I think it's a good element to have in life.
The last time I was in California, I weighed at least 160 lbs more than I do now...maybe more...and I was in LA! I still wanted to move out here then, so that I could have a better shot at living a healthy life.
Darcy loves it out here. She wants to move to Palm Springs. Two days ago, she wanted to move to San Deigo, and 2 months ago she wanted to move to Key West, but that was a few days after she wanted to move to Ft. Lauderdale. LOL - everywhere we go (that's warm), Darcy just wants to stay.
I don't blame her, I'm the same way, although I didn't feel inclined to move to San Diego or Palm Springs. I really do want to be in a warm climate, at least for the winter. If I can consult full time, I would really like to live somewhere warm (palm trees are a must) for the winter, and live at home in the summer and fall.
Then I can always do my cardio outside! It's a dream come true.
Speaking of cardio, I can't wait to get back to working out. I've been walking more and more each day.
Yesterday, between our morning walk, my midday walk, and our evening walk, I definitely got a few miles in. Nothing heroic, but I'm trying to build my strength back up.
It's 6:30 AM now, and I'm going to try to hunt down some breakfast! :)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tales from the City...
The directions we were given were a bit off, and we ended up seeing a bit of the city on our complaints here!
The people here are sure nice! We were trying to find the restaurant we were looking for, and we ran into a man in the street who we asked for help. He told us we were a ways off, and asked us if we wanted a ride. Why not. I know that's crazy, but he seemed nice enough, and there were three of us.
We walked down the block with him, and he brought us to his ride:
Darcy ordered the silver dollar pancakes. They were so cute (and yummy!):
Here is a picture of our hotel from a few blocks away:
As we were walking after breakfast, I couldn't help but thinking how nice it is to be a person who can just walk through a city I'm visiting. I know it's not a big thing to most people, but when you can't do it, and suddenly can, it's a huge deal. I'm still grateful every time I notice a way my life has been enriched by living a healthier life.