Last night, I had a small serving of fiber loaded spaghetti and my meat sauce for dinner. I was done eating by 6PM, and I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the night. I really thought I would be down those lbs today, and I'm surprised I wasn't.
I'm wondering if the problem was the pasta, rather than the cider. I measured out one cup of cooked spaghetti, and it was the healthy kind, and then I had it with the meat sauce I made. The sauce wasn't the healthiest sauce in the world, but in moderation, I figured it would be okay. After all, I put in all the calories for it on fitday, and I was still under my daily limit of 1200...
That must be it, though. I've been drinking plenty of water....I am going to skip the fiber in my dinner tonight, and just have a lean protein and veggies to try to get rid of the bloat. Cross your fingers!
wow, that sux but I'm sure if you keep it up, you'll have a big loss very soon!
You overachievers don't have much patience. It was one day. I predict a 3lb loss tomorrow
3 lbs is nothing because I'm up 5 lbs from 2 days ago...it makes no sense. I need at least a 5 lb loss or else! :)
Are you threatening the weight loss Gods....lol. Or else what...heads will roll.
It will happen just be patient. You are doing everything right and there is always a big payoff for that.
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