Yesterday and today, I looked at the number on the scale, and I told myself, "That is the highest number you will ever see on the scale for the rest of your life." I believe it, too. Every time I lose weight, I will plan to tell myself that even though it's a loss, the number on the scale is the highest number I'll ever see for the rest of my life, until I get down to a healthy weight. I want to get back into visualizing and planning for success.
My upper body is a bit sore from my workout yesterday, but in a good way. My knee is still healing, but it's much better, and I'm working on strengthening it so I can get back to working out with it.
I have been hesitant to use my kayak since I hurt my knee getting in and out of it (once it was already injured) a few weeks back. However, I *think* my knee is getting strong enough that if I wear the brace and am very careful, I should be okay.
Unfortunately, it looks like there will be thunderstorms when I get out of work, so there goes my big plan for an outdoor workout. You never know in New England, but I think that if it's nice out when I get out of work, I'll plan to go kayaking to cupcake island (and then cool off in the water!), and if it's stormy, I'll go to the gym and do the soul numbing exercise bike.
I also need to get back to doing my crunches at the house. Yes!, I do...
The bike is my LEAST favorite cardio exercise. I think it stems from the fact that I have no butt and it actually hurts my bum...lol. Try the stairmaster. I visualize Ricky Martin at the top of the long staircase i am climbing with a pizza and twizzlers. Please feel free to use your own fantasy.
I can't do the stairmaster yet because of my knee. They say the bike is the least offensive to an injured knee, so that's what I'm stuck with, but I totally hate it too.
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