Friday, August 21, 2009
NOT a liquid. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Down 2 more lbs
I ended up kayaking for my exercise yesterday.
It's a beautiful day out, so perhaps today I'll do laps!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
1 candy = 15 calories

Between the pickles and the gross sugar free carnation instant breakfast aftertaste, I felt like I needed a mint (or something) three times today. That's 45 extra calories! For some reason, I thought they were five calories each. Nope!
So now, I'm going to limit myself to one per day. You gotta read those labels!
Liquid Diet Update

It's a start

Yesterday and today, I looked at the number on the scale, and I told myself, "That is the highest number you will ever see on the scale for the rest of your life." I believe it, too. Every time I lose weight, I will plan to tell myself that even though it's a loss, the number on the scale is the highest number I'll ever see for the rest of my life, until I get down to a healthy weight. I want to get back into visualizing and planning for success.
My upper body is a bit sore from my workout yesterday, but in a good way. My knee is still healing, but it's much better, and I'm working on strengthening it so I can get back to working out with it.
I have been hesitant to use my kayak since I hurt my knee getting in and out of it (once it was already injured) a few weeks back. However, I *think* my knee is getting strong enough that if I wear the brace and am very careful, I should be okay.
Unfortunately, it looks like there will be thunderstorms when I get out of work, so there goes my big plan for an outdoor workout. You never know in New England, but I think that if it's nice out when I get out of work, I'll plan to go kayaking to cupcake island (and then cool off in the water!), and if it's stormy, I'll go to the gym and do the soul numbing exercise bike.
I also need to get back to doing my crunches at the house. Yes!, I do...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
It's never tasted so goooood

One of the things I love about the "liquid" diet is that foods you normally take for granted seem so much better. I like corn on the cob a lot, and I've only been on the "liquid" diet for less than a day, but by lunch time, I was really missing food.
Darcy made me some delicious corn on the cob as a snack around 2:30. It was phenomenal. Some of the best corn on the cob I've ever had, and even better since I was so hungry.
Another thing I like about being on a strict diet like this is that it takes away my choices. Generally, I much prefer choices, naturally, but when I'm ready for a stark change, sometimes it's a nice break to have my food choices already made for me. It's simple, and I'm getting all the nutrients and calories I need. I've had 626 calories today, and I've already gotten in 24 grams of fiber, and 36 grams of protein (and less than 5 grams of fat).
I'm going to take a break from working in a bit to head out to the gym. Thank goodness I can go for a swim when I get home, because it's a SCORCHER!
Jump starting me

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Holy fluctuation, Batman

Oh well, I did fine-ish with my eating yesterday. I consumed more calories than I like to, but I made healthy choices. We went out for Mexican for dinner, but I got my usual steak salad. There's no dressing, and they only put a little sour cream on it. I know it's still higher in calories/fat than a normal meal, but it's not terrible.
I went to the gym. So good for me. No one's getting $20.
I'm going to the gym today as well. The same offer stands. It's good online accountability. LOL
Hopefully I'll lose another 8 lbs today. ;-)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Gotta love that PMS
Just because it's "diet" food, doesn't mean the calories don't add up. LOL.
I have had:
2 cups of light popcorn
A low fat breakfast bar
1 lean cuisine
I think it's safe to say I've officially broken my plateau!!!!! For the last year or so, I was at pretty much the same weight, give or take, and I just kept losing and gaining the same weight over and over. Well, I've moved past that, and I officially weigh more than I have in the past year.
Today, I weighed 19 lbs more than I did 2 weeks ago. Seriously. How does that happen?? My weight fluctuates in an insane way. When I'm retaining water (ew), I can gain up to 12 lbs that just seems to come and go over night... Not 19, though... I've given into my PMS more than I normally do, and I haven't been exercising at all.
There's a silver lining in this - believe it or not - I felt like no matter what I did, I couldn't move my weight. Well, I guess that's not true. If I can get it to go up, I can get it to go down.
Recharging my diet batteries while in the middle of PMS isn't the best laid plan, but I'm just going to eat when I'm hungry, and only items that are healthy or low fat. It will be better than I've been the rest of the week, and soon my appetite will go back to normal.
My knee is almost better, and I'm going to start slowly using it again on the exercise bike to see if I can build the strength back.
There. It's in writing AND with caps locked, so it's clearly a fact.
Okay, I'm going to raise you one. If I don't go to the gym today, I will mail every ready of this blog $20. You have to comment to be considered for this special offer. LOL.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Abs of the day
Monday, August 3, 2009
Determination needed

To motivate me, I have downloaded some pictures of some very physically fit celebs that I love, such as Ryan Reynolds (above) and LL Cool J. :) I know I will neeeeever have those abs, but even the pursuit of those abs will take me to a much better place than I am now.
I like Ryan especially because he used to be such a scrawny guy, and now he's totally ripped. I think it's an awesome transformation. When I see people in crazy good shape, it motivates me, so let's hope it works!