Why is that a problem you ask? Well, gentle reader, the problem is that when I get out of work, the LAST thing I want to do is shuffle off to a smelly old indoor gym. I would LOVE to do some outdoor exercise, but I need to keep up with my weight training so that my muscles continue to reshape this potato sack into a lean mean fat burning machine. (Isn't that a George Foreman grill?)

I must continue to go to the gym, even though I will incorporate outdoor activities into my routine as well. When the sun is shining, and the weather is nice, I'm just going to want to hop into my kayak (technically, my future kayak - I don't actually have one yet), or into my boat and just enjoy the water and the beauty that is living in a full time vacation home.
Every night, I'll want to grill out lean meats with fresh veggies, go for a swim, maybe have a fire...that is the life! At least, for me it is.
At no point in this fabulous existence is there any thought of forcing myself to be indoors any longer than I need to. SO, I need a new plan. No longer will I end my work day by going to the gym, no siree, I will START my day at the gym. There's no harm in that. I'll do weight training in the AM, and outdoor cardio when I get home.
I think that is a very good plan, and I only wish I had thought of it this morning. Hopefully, today will be my last sunny day indoor after work workout.
Can't wait....
I have a solution. Most gyms offer boot camp. A little extra cash, but designed for the outdoor enthisiast like you. (Me I prefer the AC...lol). Check with your gym and see if they have that. Usually small stations of excercise with a brisk walk or run in between. They have offered these at the last 3 gyms i belonged to.
that sounds cool! i'm sure my cheapo gym does not offer that, however. i will look for that when i check out my next gym, though!
saw you raking up a storm at 7pm at a pretty good pace...some might consider that a pretty good outdoor workout! Just ask Bill!
the fun simply never ends, does it?
sunshine... swimming... kayaking... BBQ's... picnics... family & friends... ahhhhh, doesn't get much better than that! (unless we were debt free on a tropical island with no worries)
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