Today I was down a total of 97 lbs. I'm so close to 100, and I can't wait to get there! What an unbelievable change to go through in 6 months. I've lost 100 lbs before (when I didn't weigh as much), but it didn't last long. I know now that the weight I lose is weight I'm losing for life, and that makes a world of difference.
It's St. Patty's Day(ish), and I made a New England Boiled Dinner. It's fantastic. Corned beef is a weakness for me. I think I could eat a lot of it if I let myself. I didn't eat much yesterday, so today I'm extra hungry. I already had it for breakfast, and I'm going to have it for lunch and dinner too! LOL
I eat 3-4 oz of beef per serving, a few baby carrots, a 1/2 cup of potatoes, and a little cabbage, and it's 353 calories per plate. I eat 1000 calories per day, so 3 plates will work out just fine. :)
We were naughty yesterday, and we didn't go to the gym. Darcy wasn't feeling well, and I was going to go on my own, but the day got away from me. I still made it 5 times last week, which is my minimum, so I'm good!
I'm watching an intervention about a girl with bulemia. She is talking about how she has the uncontrolable urge to eat and how much it takes for her to get full. I feel like I had half the bulemia down before. I binged...I just never purged. They show the huge amount of food she eats, and I easily could have put that away before. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I kept it all down and packed on the lbs.
I don't think we look at overeating as an eating disorder, but it is, and it should be treated like one. Overweight people need to get the same kind of treatment and help that alchoholics and other people with eating disorders get. I think society is too sensitive to overweight people's feelings to take this approach, but I think it's something worth thinking about... It's truly a life or death matter. Morbid obesity starts at just 30 lbs overweight. That means that anyone with 30 or more lbs to lose is increasing their chances of morbidity dramatically due to their weight. Being overweight can ruin your life, or at best, drastically limit the way you live. Not everyone who is overweight has an eating disorder, but probably almost overone who is super obese, as I was, does. These people need help.
Anyway, back to the fun stuff:

OMG, you're sooooo close to 100...
When does TJ get back?
Tick tick tick
Just kiddin, you're doing phenominal as always!
LOL- He's back on Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't think it will be possible to lose another 3 in 2-3 days, but we'll see if I can get any closer!
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